Sunday, September 9, 2012

Worldview in pop culture: update

Just the other day, I saw a man wearing a light blue shirt emblazoned with “Legalize Love.” The “o” in “love” had been replaced by Obama’s personal insignia. I was only this close to asking him, “Isn’t love already legal?” I was probably wise to hold my tongue.
In my post concerning “The New Normal,” I posed a few questions about homosexuality. Is it right? How should we approach it? My personal stance is the Biblical stance. As Christians, we are called to love people as Christ loved them. Loving people, however, does not mean sanctioning sin. Loving people means calling them out of sin and towards the glorious light of the gospel. Loving people means praying for the salvation of their souls.
And yet, somehow, there are folks out there who don’t think that love is legal. Somehow in the confusion of the homosexuality debate, people have gotten in their minds that love needs to be legalized. But the issue is not the legalization of love. The issue is the same as it is in “The New Normal.” Gays and gay supporters do not really care about legalization, because there are no laws against being gay. They care about Normalization. And this is just the latest attempt to normalize something that is not normal.

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