Friday, August 31, 2012

Pretty Things & Clever Words: Soundtrack to my Summer: Somethin' 'Bout a Truck

Jenny Redfern has a great blog going, and a great music review here:

Pretty Things & Clever Words: Soundtrack to my Summer: Somethin' 'Bout a Truck: I couldn’t close my summer soundtrack series with anything but a country song. The problem is just choosing one. With the sun shining...

Ramblings of a Ginger: Intro

If you want to know about the ramblings of a ginger, Jefferey's blog is the place to do it!

Ramblings of a Ginger: Intro: Hi, my name is Jeffrey Essary I'm a senior, and a broadcasting(radio, tv, web, as its called now) major at JBU and this is my intro post for...
Worldview in pop culture, #1: The New Normal

Two gay guys who want a baby, a single mom with not much left who will become the surrogate mother for them, her daughter, who typifies today's youth culture , and her grandmother, who is incredibly snarky, ego-centric, and spiteful. They all come together in their own ways to create a family. They come from different places, backgrounds and beliefs, but if we are to believe what NBC wants us to believe, this is now a normal family. It may not be traditional, but hey, if they love each other, why not, right? 

If you don't know, NBC is slated to release its brand new comedy, The New Normal, on September 11. Ignoring, for the moment, the implications of releasing a new comedy on 9-11, I turn to the implications of the title and the characters, and I ask the double-rainbow question: “What does it mean?” What does it mean that the title of this show is, “The New Normal?” What is the underlying worldview? Is there a worldview? Before I examine these questions, let's pause for a moment and look at the show itself.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Crew Headlines: Welcome.

 This is Jordan's blog. Be sure to check it out!

The Crew Headlines: Welcome.: If you are reading this, then you are apart of high class, hard hitting, powerful new force in the blogosphere. You and I are going to gain ...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hello world!

My name is Steve. I am a freshman at JBU this year, and excited to be so! As to my education, I managed to nab a high school diploma and am currently pursuing a major in Communications and a minor in music.
 I have lived all my life in Nebraska. My parents are both teachers who moved back to the states after meeting in Peru where they were teaching at a local Christian School. I have two older brothers, one of which is involved in missions, the other of which is a music teacher.

I personally enjoy music, through the playing of the violin, ukulele, trombone, dulcimer, or singing, running, writing, reading, speaking, skydiving, surfing, mountain climbing, taming wild stallions, playing professional badminton on the weekends, and in general sarcastically overstating my favorite activities.

Okay, so maybe everything after "speaking" was exaggerated. But everything before it was not. I really do love music, and I really do love communicating, especially public speaking. I am a big-picture thinker who is horrible with details. I am excited to be alive, and I can't wait to see what God will show me in the next four years.